Starcraft 2 - 7/27/10


New Member
I only liked the custom made games on Starcraft like Golems(Best game ever). Can't wait to see how the custom games turn out to be on SC2.

Haha I remember Golems and Stacked Tower Defense. Good ole 6th and 7th grade days. Life was so much simpler back then.


VIP Member
we'll see. I'll be laughing tough if SC2 turns out to be shite. :p (or at least, not as good as everyone is saying it'll be.)

Aye... I've seen the beta. It looks decent (reminds me of a prettier WarCraft 3). The game doesn't seem to have changed much. Granted, you can take the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" stance, but it sure looks like the same game I've played for the past decade.

I do hope the full game is fun. Not so sure about the staggered campaign launch, though. I was hoping that they would include all three factions at release.


New Member
I feel it has changed, brand new ranking system in so you play someone as the same level as you, new troops, and maps are meade now that you have to expand your base if you want to keep a pile of money, this one you cant just stay in your basefor ever amd rely on that money.

Also ive noticed in this one you have to keep pressure up on your emeny, more so than SC1


Staff member
Aye... I've seen the beta. It looks decent (reminds me of a prettier WarCraft 3). The game doesn't seem to have changed much. Granted, you can take the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" stance, but it sure looks like the same game I've played for the past decade.

Welcome to Blizzard development :p


VIP Member
They are creating a store online to purchase extra content, which will be community made. So all those cool mods, will probably cost a few bucks, but on the bright side you can make your own cool mod and sell it as well.

Unless people decide to release them for free.