The Fat is Back and it's time for an upgrade


VIP Member
Hey CF family I need some help. I will be upgrading my desktop within the next 2 weeks and I could use some guidance. I'm a little out of tune with the new hardware. I know enough to pick compatible components and make a working system but I don't really have any knowledge about the current line of CPU's, and GPU's

I was trying to do this myself but after days of research I'm just tired and have a headache. I've put together a build so I will see what you guys think about it and see how I did.


CPU: AMD FX-6300


SSD: Kingston V300 Series 120GB Might spring for a 240gb

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO

So that's where I am now. I'm not sure about the RAM it will probably be changed. This build will primarily be used for photo editing and Watching Movies via my TV. I will probably get a GPU as well but that will be in another month or two. I'm thinking an R7 250 since I don't game. Also going to pick up a sound card since the mobo doesn't do 7.1 which I need.

My budget is $400(Though the cheaper the better unless it's worth the extra) and that includes the Mobo, CPU+cooler, SSD, RAM, and Sound Card. I will be reusing my Case, PSU, and a few of my HDD's.

Any advice is welcome.
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The more expensive of those two boards supports 7.1, so you can ditch the sound card and maybe swing for an FX 8320.
The GIGABYTE GA-970A-D3P was actually the first mobo I looked at. Though it has no on-bored video so I would have to get a GPU as well. Do you think something like a 5450 would be good? I could just go with a cheap card until I have the money to upgrade in a few months.
Oh man I didn't even think about integrated video. I'm so used to gaming builds. My bad. :p

You could do something like that. Cheap placeholder card. You might even be able to find something halfway respectable on Ebay for not that much.
Yeah as long as it can play HD video and can handle my Monitor and TV then thats really all I need. I'm sure if my current on-bored graphics can do that then any cheap $50-75 card could handle it just fine. I think that's what I will do because I really like that GIGABYTE GA-970A-D3P.