[theory questions] general computer's science questions


New Member
1) Describe and comparing operating systems dedicated, multiprogramming and time-sharing.

2) Describe the use of the codes not redundant and redundant ones and their characteristics. Gray codes and BCD: highlighting their usefulness. Are these two codes redundant codes? explain the answer.

3)Describe the technique of parallelization of the operation of the CPU called pipeline, highlighting in particular the conditions that justify the adoption and the gain resulting time, even in the presence of subroutines.

4)Describe the architecture of a generic CPU highlighting in particular the IR (instru. register) and functions that are performed by the control unit and comment the involvement of the CPU resources during the execute statement. Why is needed to provide a bidirectional link between the PC and the data bus?


1- except time-sharing i don't know what to say about the other two...

2- Redundant codes should be those codes that have useless bits, are they not only this?
Gray and binary-coded decimal should be not redundant but i don't know why...

3- Well i only know that the pipeline is a sort of parallelism but what to say more

4-I have no idea....


VIP Member
I can just picture you signing up on 10 forums, copying and pasting the same questions and hoping someone will do your homework for you.

Study, and answer them yourself.