Think my laptop died, any hope in fixing it?

it could be that the GPUs are not sending signal to the VGA.
try going to Nvidia's site and downloading the correct driver from there. May be a better driver than the dell provided copy (or a newer one).
you could try pressing something like Fn + F8 to get it to display on the external screen. Usually when it hasn't got the actual drivers it will do displaying on either screen or both as a clone.
Surprisingly Alienware now has some updated drivers so I decided to try them. No change in the artifacts but I did have an external monitor plugged into it during the boot and it showed both the bios screen and windows loading screen with the artifacts (after that both screens go and stay black). So it has to be some kind of problem with the mobo right?
if the external monitor showed the artifacts, then its 100% that its your GPU(s) at fault.

May be a motherboard problem, but its way more likely that your GPU(s) are on the way out.
if the external monitor showed the artifacts, then its 100% that its your GPU(s) at fault.

May be a motherboard problem, but its way more likely that your GPU(s) are on the way out.

So they're both failing with the exact same problem at the exact same time? I find that highly unlikely....
try one GPU at a time. If one is failing, it will artifact the picture, no matter how good the other one is.
yea, I didnt review the other info. Sorry.
The only thing that I can suggest now is that you try to get a spare GPU from somewhere else to try in it. If that helps, its the GPU(s). If it doesnt, its your Motherboard.