Thread_Stuck_in_Device_Driver and crashing issue


Hi, so my computer suddenly started having this issue where it would blue screen with the message Thread_Stuck_in_Device_Driver. I thought it was my HDD causing the issue because it's been making weird noises for a while, so i re-installed windows 10 onto my other hard drive. However about half way through installing my GPU driver the computer screen went black and a loud stuttering noise came through the speakers. The computer would still boot fine, but would eventually crash in the same way if i tried watching a video or play a game. I also removed the driver and although it took a while longer, it would still crash.

After doing some research i thought my PSU may not be supplying enough power, so i bought a new 730w one, but that didnt fix it. I then tried running MemTest to see if my memory was faulty and found that one of the sticks has over 100 errors on it, so i removed it. This doesnt seem to have solved the problem though as once I tried installing the driver again I had the same blue screen appear.

Does anyone know what could be causing this issue? I'm thinking that my GPU could be damaged as i bought it second hand, but that was over 6 months ago and i didnt have these issues before.
Run memtest on your remaining ram and see what happens. I would also try using a different video card. Video cards can go bad at any time.
I forgot to mention that I tested the remaining RAM and it all all passed fine. I tried my old graphics card and it seems to be working fine now, so i guess it must have went bad. Wish I bought it new so at least I would have had some warranty on it.
Thanks for the help.