To build one or to buy one?


New Member
Hello again. I just stumbled across this forum the other day and in one of my others posts, someone suggested I build a computer instead of buy a new one. So I thought I'd make a post here and see if you guys can help me figure out if it is worth it to build one.

Basically I need a new desktop because mine is 6 years old and I am going to start organizing and editing my photos and video better. I can't even play new HD video I shoot from my camcorder on my computer now without it stuttering and pausing all the time. I don't play games though so what I mentioned above will be the most laboring on it. In the past I have ordered Dell's and always tend to get a little more than I need because the extra $20 here and $50 there doesnt seem like much. But anyways, a couple models I was looking at were something like this Gateway or this HP from Costco. Another option was a Dell XPS 8100, core I5-650, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce G310 512MB video, 1TB drive, and 24 inch monitor for $1040. The specs can be tweaked a little there but that is just an example.

So these three models are in the $800-$1040 range and that is what my budget is, including a 23-24 inch monitor which these come with. I would think the specs on these are more than adequate for what I need, so what do you guys think? If I can build one the same or better and end up saving several hundred dollars, I would consider it. But if it is going to be close to the same price or just save around $100 or so, then buying might be the way to go. What do you think?
I think you would save a bit more money and you would get far more superior parts than what dell would offer you and therefore would last a whole lot longer. Adding to this you would have a faster better system for around the same price. We have all the help/information you need here on computer forum if you decide to build the system yourself. So if you are up for the challenge let us know what country you are in for prices/websites and what you are mainly going to use your computer for be it HD video editing, gaming or whatever.
Ok well I live in the US, and as I mentioned I won't be using it for gaming. The most demanding thing I will be doing is editing video files from my camcorder and editing photos. So if you have some websites or anything for me to check out, I will look into it. Like I said if I will end up saving a lot, I would be up to building one.
For sure check out for all your hardware and put together a cart for what you think you would need and then bring it back here and we will check if it is all compatible and possibly make suggestions/recommendations on what hardware is a bit better than what you have selected.
That is a good site, and I actually remember looking there last time I bought a computer! So I don't know if I am just totally looking at the wrong things or what, but everything I am coming up with seems like it is more than some of those built ones I mentioned. So I am finding an i7 CPU to be around $280, motherboards at least $100, 8 GB of memory around $200, video card around $100, case and power supply at least $150, Windows $100. So with that Im near $1000 and don't have a monitor in there and probably left out some other things. If I am totally off here, can someone recommend some components for a system that will suit my needs as mentioned above? Or if what I came up with is not far out of line, is it better just to buy one of the systems I mentioned?
Thank you for that list. That is very helpful, and it looks like I was headed down the right path. So all that adds up to $940 with the mail in rebates. Compared to those prebuilt ones I found, I do notice this build has a better video card (and also 4GB less memory so with 8 it would be $1130). So is it really worth it for me to build one, when it is about the same price as buying a pre built one? I don't know how the warranty and tech support works with this stuff, but I know in the past when I had a DVD drive go out with the Dell, I had one shipped to me next day. I can see a big savings in the computers built for gamers, but is this really worth it for what I want? Thanks again.