Transferring Files Remotely

My friends laptop quit working and she had a number of files that she was hoping to recover. I plugged the hard drive into my desktop and can access them without any problems. I was a bout to start putting a number of files into a shared google drive folder for her to download. With about 100 GB of data this is going to take a while.

Is there a way to send the files directly to her computer?

I wasn't sure if the two computers could be linked remotely or I form a torrent or something. Hoping for a quicker way to do this since I get to format and keep the drive after.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
Remotely will be slow no matter what you do. You're best sticking her old drive on her new computer and copying files. Or use an external hard drive.
I had a feeling that was the case. After talking with her she only wanted a few Gigabytes so I have I am uploading it to ahare .