Trouble Accessing Web Page Hosted On My Computer


New Member
Here is my current network setup.

I run my cable modem wired to a desktop. From the desktop I run wired into a switch, and from the switch I run to multiple computers.

On one of the computers AFTER the switch I run an internet radio station. The software I use to run my radio station creates a special webpage hosted on that computer that I can access from any computer in the world. From this webpage I can search my music library, change play order, etc..

I have port mapper running on the computer hooked to the cable modem before the switch that is mapping the ports.

I was able to access the webpage for months with no problem but all of a sudden I can't acces it anymore. The problem seemed to stem from an installation of AVG antivirus which is a free anti virus program someone installed on the computer before the switch. I believe I uninstalled the AVG software but I still can't access the page.

I have norton 04 antivirus and had no problem until the AVG was installed, I believe anyway. I went to the windows xp firewall settings and it appears that my radio station program and ports are not being blocked by the windows xp firewall.

Any ideas?
Does your switch, or router, or modem have a firewall. If they do, you need to open ports on those. Also, make sure that your Antivirus isn't stopping files from transferring or something.
Well, if your steup works/worked, I would leave it at that, however, I would have done it a little differently. Usualy I would just run the cable modem into the router, and than use the router/switch to connect all the computers. Anyway, if you think that software instalation was the problem, i would do a system restore, prior to the date of the instalation.
I don't see anywhere in the AVG antivirus or the Norton about a firewall. Same thing with the router. I never installed anything, I just plugged and played. Like I said, it did work at one time until the AVG was installed I believe.

I would have went to the switch first but I had to run it like this due to complications with wires at my house.

I don't thnk I can do a system restore, I think it was tunred off or something.

Please help me out it laymens terms as I don't know what to do exactly. Thanks!
see if you can connect to the webpage from the comptuer it is running on itself. Then you'll know whether it's the comptuer hosting the web page or if it's the computer that is sitting in front of it before the internet. Once that is established you can start troubleshooting what is wrong accordingly. BTW I agree with teh other guy should go cable modem>router>all computers.

Jeremy Whittaker

if ti works internally then it sounds like a port forwarding problem, or a firewall blocking access on your modem, try temporarily to see iof it works waht all firewalls disabled
Thanks guys.

Turns out my broadcast computer didn't have a static ip address so when I originally setup my station all was well with the port mapper and ip addresses.

Then my computer got shut off and the ip address went with it. lol
