Trouble w/ Gaming in Browser


I've been having trouble playing a few games in Google Chrome Browser, where it jumps off the browser for a slit second then comes back. You can see in the screen recording I did playing Pacman. At 1:27 you can see it pause and you can also look at the top right at the minimizer and close tabs where it blinks off then back on. It basically jumps off the browser and jumps right back on for some reason. Could this be a GPU problem or something more simple in the settings?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

PS... How do I attach a video to this post that isn't attached to my "Attach files"?
Disable all your browser extensions and try again. I bet you its one of them. If it works fine after disabling them, then reenable one at a time until you find the culprit.
Have you tried using a different browser? Maybe updating the video driver? You might also have to reset chrome.
Scan for malware using Malwarebytes? Disabling unnecessary programs from running at bootup? Didn't realize this was windows 7. You may have a hardware issue of some kind like ram or hdd.
My gut feeling is there is something unusual with Win 7.

If this was happening on my machine, I would've likely pushed the nuclear button and reinstalled Windows. If that still happens after a full format/reset, then it's very likely a hardware issue.
Yep... I'm still in ancient times haha. I hate change and I love Windows 7. Now, my mouse isn't detecting properly lol.

Alright... So, I ended up cleaning the GPU and CPU today. It really needed it but didn't help the issue.

I ran the malware and cleaned everything up.

So, you think the next step is to download Windows 10/11?
How does this work with everything I have saved?
Will I be able to find everything?

What are your current system specs like how much ram and what processor? You'll need decent specs to run 10 and I would recommend using an ssd as your boot drive. If it's been a long time since reinstalling 7 then I would just fresh install 10 instead of upgrading.
So, you think the next step is to download Windows 10/11?
If your computer's old enough to run Win 7, it won't run Win 11 out of the box. Also, the free upgrade to Win 10 from Win 7 has ended and Win 10's losing security updates soon as well.

I would suggest you to reinstall Win 7 first and see how that goes. Do you have a 2nd hard drive or a 2nd partition on your main drive that can store all the data you would like to keep? You will have to reinstall all the programs manually.