Trying to get electric guitar to play thru comp


New Member
I have a guitar amplifier with no line-out. So I'm using the speaker, or headphone jack to plug into the computer. But of course by using that plug the sound only goes right through the amp as a preamp and doesn't actually play out of the amp. I use Adobe Audition to record my music. Any tips on how to made the guitar audible through the recording software or thru my computer speakers?


VIP Member
I don't really get what you are doing...

Buy a head phone to guitar lead jack and plug that the guitar into the computer, or into a pedal, and then into the computer?


your plugging the guitar to the amp then the comp right? your right, its not gonna play in the amp, but you can buy either a 1/4" splitter and a 1/4" to 3.5mm (or w/e comp jacks are) converter/cord, this way one can go to the amp, one to the comp, i plug my strat right to the comp with the little converter, they run pretty cheap too, like 5 bucks even, and i use the computer speakers for sound (though its a little bit poorer than an amp)


VIP Member
I tried this once. I got an adapter and plugged the guitar directly into the PC's mic input. Worked fine.


New Member
Yeah see the problem is I want specifically for my guitar to go through my amp first so it will act as a preamp.

What I'm looking for is an option on the preferences section of the recording software I'm using, or maybe some sort of utility in the Control Panel that will allow me to let the computer play through IT'S speakers what would otherwise be playing out of the amp. I don't need hardware of any sort, just the knowhow to find what button it is in my recording software or on my control panel.


VIP Member
Ah. You're putting the guitar amp output into the PC sound card's Line input. Then you want to hear the guitar through the PC speaks.

Make sure your amp's output is sufficiently low so you don't overload the PC sound card.

Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Sound and Audio Devices. Click the Audio tab, then the Volume button under Sound Recording.

You'll see a slider for Line Input. Put a check in the box. That slider is your input level control. Close all your windows.

In whatever program you're using to record, make sure you choose Line Input. Audacity uses a dropdown box to select inputs. Your program may vary.

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