Twisted Metal Review


Active Member
Was thinking about picking this game up because I loved twisted metal for the ps1 and the ps2.... so its in stores right now, I just saw it.. so why can't I find a review?!
Was thinking about picking this game up because I loved twisted metal for the ps1 and the ps2.... so its in stores right now, I just saw it.. so why can't I find a review?!

It only just came out today. You may want to give it a little bit of time.

I'll take a quick look and see what I can find.

Game Informer.

I would also assume that there's a demo for it on the PSN. You may want to take a look.
Such a romantic day for Twisted Metal to come out. I love it. It brings back so many memories. It's definitely a different feel to it than the old ones, but I'm enjoying it thus far.

A demo has been out for a week or so if you want to check it out.
IGN gave it a 9.0. One of my favorite game series ever, seriously considering picking up a used PS3 just for it.
I am definitely enjoying it. Picked it up this past weekend, and me and the girlfriend played it.

The story is rather short. You could easily beat it in a day. Maybe even a couple of times the same day.

The number of characters is kind of depressing, but there are plenty of cars to make up for it. That as well as Axel supposedly being able to be unlocked after the first 30 days is exciting (That is if you didn't preorder). My favorite car.

Right now, from experience and several others, the online needs patched bad. The minimal chance that you are allowed to connect to a game, ends up sitting in the lobby with players who do not start the game.

Once the online is patched though, it will be phenomenal. I enjoyed the story for what there was of it, and the co-op story/deathmatch is still a ton of fun to play. So grab another person and play that, or try and connect online. Maybe you will get lucky. :good:
Well twisted metal never really has had much of a story, other than ending wish videos. I enjoy the story they added though. It's so dark and violent, phenomenal.