Ubuntu Sidebar to Bottom


Hi all, I'm back after a long while...

Anyways, I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 amd 64-bit on my compaq persario cq-50... a lot of getting used to coming from Windows :eek:.

Anyways, my biggest annoyance with it is, is that you cannot move the side utility bar in the Unity GUI to the bottom of the desktop, much like the default position of the Windows task bar. However, I found a youtube video that said that there's some sort of plugin that allows you to do just that, but it only works on the 32-bit version of Ubuntu, which I have the 64-bit version installed.

I was just wondering if you all had any suggestions on how to move it to the bottom.



VIP Member
I hate to be the one that tell you this but Ubuntu 11.04-11.10 is no longer able to be customized. From what I have read on OMG Ubuntu that Ubuntu is now aiming to top OSX, which means to make it easier they have to take options away.

There is in the package manager advance gnome tweaks that will allow you to use the gnome 3 U/I.

If you want to run Unity with the bar on the bottom I believe Xubuntu is set up that way.


Thanks. I already f 'd up the Ubuntu GUI with some plugins I installed, luckily I was able to find my way back to disable them.

I was contemplating Pear OS, but I think I like the look of the one you mentioned, Xubuntu, better.


VIP Member
I looked into that Pear OS and honestly with some more development it might be a okay OS someday. Don't know if I like the OSX look.