Unable to delete picts from internal card

Da Mail Man

Active Member
Greetings all,

I have a Motorola Trac Phone with a 32GB card in it that I have copied/taken vids and picts and stored on same.

Every time I seek to delete any of the vids or picts, it says "deleted" but, when I use my phone after that, the vids and picts are still there.

The card has NO write protection "switch" on it and I can still write to the card.

Any ideas as to what is going on here?
Any ideas as to what is going on here?


Get a smartphone from Cricket. I pay $35/month and I believe they are now $30/month.

If you want to get rid of the crap, try installing the card in the computer and go from there. That's all I got.
Geez....sorry my needs to not include an "upper-class" phone nor am I dependent on it as another appendage as most are!

My computer does not have slot for card. I can copy/move to computer via cord and delete but, that does not establish why I cannot delete with the phone and only the computer. Phone used to have this ability but, no longer able.