Update windows or not??


New Member
Hi, I have just done a Windows update and it has come up with this one, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1.
I am wondering if it is OK to load this as the system I am running is XP PRO, with SP2 loaded last week, so with it saying SP1, I am curious? :confused:
I also had a problem today with my machines processor and fan running flat out for hours and seeming to be doing nothing? I ran Norton GO Back to get out of this, as it was my only way of stoping it! I lost a bit of stuff, but nothing to worry about, can go and renew it later.
I did the Ctrl/Alt/Del and saw the windows task manager, but was unable to determine what was wrong, if anything?
I know the latter part must sound a bit vague, but if you have any suggestions, please let me know?
Thanks in advance..
Neil :)
You may want to uninstall Service Pack 2, and install Service Pack 1 (which is technically SP1a), and if you want, re-install Service Pack 2......but maybe Service Pack 2 is what may be causing your recent problems.
Windows update?

After long searching it seems to be a "Spyware" virus, Spyware.Perfect, that was causing the problem, well I believe!
So got rid of that, but now I still have the question about windows update requires to update ;; Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 :: Should I load this as my system XP PRO has SP2 on already???
If you can be of help?

i think, i could be wrong as im only thinking, thats its the service pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 in the same way you have SP2 for XP its SP1 for .NET framework. i know i have it installed and theres nothing wrong with my machine (well there is but its the hardware;))