Upgrade recommendations?


New Member
Hi, im currently wondering what i should upgrade in my pc, here are my pc specs

Graphics card : Zotac GeForce GTX 560
Ram : 8gb
64bit pc
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz
and it says that 8 times in a row
mother board MS-7613 (Iona-GL8Ew)
which is stock with the HPE-170t
thats the model of my pc.

i would appreciate the help and maybe link a product with your answer.
i am most likely going change my computer box too. also on a side note
how would i cool my pc down enough? (fans, water, milk???)
What PSU do you have?
If you game, I would recomend a new graphics card. If you're happy with your gaming and want overall boost in responsiveness, an SSD. If you can afford both, then both.

Something like this 660 for the graphics
and the Samsung SSD.

Gaming, new GPU, or overall perky SSD. Preferably get both, but thats assuming your PSU can handle it.
Yes i play alot of games, etc like Dota 2, Far cry 3 skyrim and other games

i surf the web a ton and do stuff there

my PSU that i recently upgraded from 420 watts to 520 watts,
though a strange thing that happens is sometimes like a 5% chance when i start my pc my screen wont turn on, but i think that is a monitor issue
but sometimes my pc wont work properly like ill start lagging hardcore
on games, but when i restart its perfectly fine.

i heard a SSD will only load you into games faster, so i dont think i need that
just a boost in FPS, also is my cpu good?
Your CPU is fine.

An SSD will give a massively increased response time every time you use the operating system, not just game load times, which btw are about 20 times faster.

What exact 520W psu do you have?> We need to know the specific details.
I would upgrade your PSU before anything else. That unit seems very low end.

Try a corsair, OCZ, Seasonic, etc 600 watt or greater. Wold be a good improvement over what you have.

After that, a GPU upgrade might be in order, but try overclocking yours first.
Dynex is the in house brand by Best Buy. So they're absolute junk generally. Corsair CX 600 would be a solid choice while still being reasonably affordable.
It depends on how much you want to spend. First of all, upgrade that PSU to a CX 500W. Then, A HD 7870 or 7950 would be good depending on your budget. Then if you have a big enoug budget, a SSD.
Dynex is the in house brand by Best Buy. So they're absolute junk generally. Corsair CX 600 would be a solid choice while still being reasonably affordable.

I agree. Pick up a CX 600 or an OCZ ZS unit and you'll be good. :)
I always like to have a little bit extra juice available in my PSU than my system needs. I have a 650W PSU in this computer but I could get away with 500w. I've had my old 400W PSU literally catch on fire, in an old computer which probably only needed ~350W. So my recommendation would be a better PSU.

Other than that a SSD - if you buy a high quality one it will make everything load lightning fast. I've had mine for years now and its still the best improvement to my system so far.
Probobly because it was a cheap PSU, charr. A CX 600 is nice, anything from seasonic or XFX will also be good.