Usb 2.0 vs. Old usb (1.0,1.1)

Whoa there guys, this thread's about a year old.

A year old, but very pertinent to the exact same problem I was having here in 2010. None of the previous posts ever arrived at an answer to the original poster's question and like myself, I found it through searching the forums and was looking for an answer. Now, not only I have an answer, the next person who comes in her two years from now will possibly have one too... We should all have USB 3.0 by then and this will be obsolete :)
[-0MEGA-];1407764 said:
I believe he means that getting a faster USB hub wouldn't help, as it would only go as fast as the port it's plugged into.

Who is he responding to? I was last to comment and my comment(s) have nothing to do with hubs.