Wait or buy?


New Member

Me and my dad had made a deal that either I can buy a laptop with my own money or he would get one for me for christmas if I did well in school. So right now I have kind of been slacking off and my grades aren't really that good, they're not bad, but they are not A's, they are mostly B's and a C. So should I just wait until my grades get better and get a MacBook with 2 GB of RAM, a 120 GB HDD and all the other good stuff, or should I just save up and buy a laptop with my own money because I kind of don't try much at anything...


Active Member
Well what harm is waiting, wait, and if you don't get one at Christmas, you'll probably be able to buy a decent one with your money.


New Member
No, I don't have much of a job. I promote my dad's company which ships products for cheaper and also gives cheaper prices on shipping but I only have reptile breeders right now and one of them ships frequently but I dont get much comission and the other two are just about to start breeding because it was out of season for the reptiles they sell. Also a lot of shops here won't hire a 14 year old.


New Member
still but you better of saving up what lil money you have and getting a better one and if your dad says you desvere one (through your grades) combine your money together and get an awesome comp lol


New Member
Yeah, I really gotta work hard it's just weird cuz all my friends just chill in school and most of them "engage in illegal activities" so they are all laid back in class and do nothing so that is kinda bad too, I also have friends who do well in school, they just arent in my classes :(.
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New Member
well all you got to do is buckle up and do it you have to be self motivated and do it lol

and on a serouis note please watch what you say on the topic of drugs as it is against the forum rules


New Member
Ok, thanks laz, I just changed it. Yeah I guess I should really start working hard, especially if I wanna get a new computer. Why do macs suck? I'll probably reply in 7-8 hours though its 12.18 am here I gotta sleep


New Member
lol ok um i just dont bielive they are all they crack up to be you have way more things to do on a windows system


New Member
Is kinda hard, you could wait and get a macbook which is pretty good, or you could buy it with your own money on black friday


New Member
Yeah, but macs are good for photo and video editing plus they dont get viruses. Now I can see why you would say windows is better because you have a 6.2 GHz processor 2GBs of RAM and I'm guessing you game? I don't have a great computer, it's fine for everyday stuff. I would love to get a really powerful windows system in place of the Mac but Mac is good for security, plus I can run both OS X and Windows on a mac.


New Member
lol nice laz :p
Yeah you can make your comp a hackintosh but isnt that illegal? Plus I hear it can get messed up quick. I think for now I will just get some extra RAM and change to xp and see what happens in the next few months.


New Member
Yes I know, but won't my computer get messed up? Almost everyone I know uses an OEM crack of some sort for their comps.