wanting to hook up laptop lcd to car !


New Member
Hello guys im brand new on this forum and am looking for help already ... My name is mike so HI to all hope you guys could help me out with some questions... I just took apart an old Ibm thinkpad and took out the SHARP Lcd was wondering how i can hook up a x-box / ps2 for my brothers car.. many problems ... to this tast i know that that florecent bold that lights up the lcd works... knowing a think or two about computers .. i know that most of the inputs to the lcd come from the graphic card now is there a way to get the imput on the lcd to a vga output so i can then get a vga-to-RCA converter so i can plug in a x-box in to it ... im not sure if i would need a scimatics for the video card or the lcd ? maybe somebody out there has tried this and could help me out ?...... THANKS IN ADVANCE MIKE
is there a way to get the imput on the lcd to a vga output so i can then get a vga-to-RCA converter so i can plug in a x-box in to it ... im not sure if i would need a scimatics for the video card or the lcd
Should be DOABLE but it certainly isnt easy ... i think it depends on what kind of connectors the LCD has to the rest of the mobo ... do you have a picture? :) (or even the # of connectors?)
Well once you find the pin outs of the LCD data cable I don't suppose it would be too difficult. though it may not simply be a VGA monitor with a proprietary data cable. But if it is you're also going to have to figure out how much voltage you need to power the power inverter which lights the backlight.
Battery is dead wil have to wait a sec... but i think it has 15 connectors on once side and 16 onm the other ill post pics as soon as this battery charges...
I guess the voltage wont be to dificult to find out .. the only problem is that the screeen is about 3 years old and pin outs will be hard to find without a scimatic of the data cable.. unless all or most laptops hav the same data cables ? or at least similar
Nah most laptops have unique LCD data cables. Heck most different model IBM laptops will have unique data cables. I tried the same thing once a couple of years ago but gave up when I couldn't find the pinouts.
Yeah thats what im afraid might happen well i think ill keep trying much cheaper this way for sure ... but theoredicly if i made this VGA out put i could then get a VGA to RCA connector from the dredded BEST BUY store?


sorry for the horible pics ill try to get some better ones later ... for now could some one give me saome feek back on the magnitude of this project?
It all depends on if the signal coming from the laptop's system board is a VGA signal or proprietary. I've even had Toshiba laptops that used several different brand screens in it's production run, sometimes a Sharp or Philips screen, and each screen had to have a new cable because they were different. This is the nature of laptops because there are few parts in them that are standardized. Once you find the pin outs you should be able to tell pretty much if it's a VGA signal or a propietary signal.
Super_Nova said:
It all depends on if the signal coming from the laptop's system board is a VGA signal or proprietary. I've even had Toshiba laptops that used several different brand screens in it's production run, sometimes a Sharp or Philips screen, and each screen had to have a new cable because they were different. This is the nature of laptops because there are few parts in them that are standardized. Once you find the pin outs you should be able to tell pretty much if it's a VGA signal or a propietary signal.

Yeah true ive been looking around for the pinouts on many site's and cant fins anythignk have talked to some computer store and nothign there iether so if some one could help me look for them thats would be great 2 heads are better then one Thanks
I have send sharp an e-mail maybe they will send me some pinouts ... this might be one of thoes what could have been projects again