What game should i get for the PC?


Active Member
I currently have TDU and Metal of Honor airbourn on my comp. and i am looking for another game to add to my collection...
I am looking t counter strkie right now, is it any good?
Yeah, cod4 is a great game, i played the world at war beta, wasnt planning on buying WaW until after i played the beta, and now cod WaW is next on my list.
Most people will flame me for this but, how about World of Warcraft :D More seriously though, in a couple months (hopefully) Starcraft 2 will be out. Why not try that?
I heard CoD 5 is out. anybody else heard this?

I'm playing Crysis now, have Assassin's Creed to play next, and after that... who knows.
I don't really play alot of computer games...im still into the classics like aoe and diablo...(shame) but i have heard that these are good- -
Natural Selection
Garys mod (LOLOLOL)
Counter strike I have played and I failed real hard, but it was fun anyways.
Bioshock - aparently REALLY good
i say

cod4 guildwars or tomb raider underworld lol um so many good games out there umm what games do you go for mainly i would say if you like racing try GTR Evolution for pc i think its called thats the newest racing sim out if you like need for speed hrmm havent heard much good about undercover yet so i wouldnt recommend that um gta iv will come out in december so i would recommend that if you can run it on your current system
I highly recommended cod4 and cod WAW, they are both great games, I got them for PC and ps3.. I play on PC more, its funner! :) anyways I recommended those ones

Half Life 2 and the episodes to go along with it
Dead Space
COD5 without a doubt,it kind of has a LEFT FOR DEAD part included in the game because you have a Zombie gamemode aswell now so you can kill those Zombies!

its fun.
i also reccomend Grand Theft Auto IV,that will be a good game i just know it.

they never fail to make a good Grand Theft Auto.
For MMORPG's I would say World of Warcraft or Warhammer: Online

Left 4 Dead (Game is just full of win)

Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War

Far Cry 2 is pretty good, not a big fan but I like it

Team Fortress 2 (God Spy's are just an awesome class to play)