What is a good set of quality speakers?


Active Member
What Is a nice set of speakers that could be used for gaming ,multimedia such as movies and music? Doesnt have to overly loud ,but have excellent quality of sound.

And is there much difference between a 2.1 and a 5.1 set for hearing quality of sound other than just for surround sound purposes?
5.1 provides the surround you more type effect with that type of separation over simply hearing stereo with a bass boost with a 2 1/2 set. Logitech is one of the top for the low to mid price range and the most popular due to the sound quality their speaker sets offer.

I grabbed a set of 5.1 Z-640s and wouldn't part with them fior $60 at a pc show. Youi can look over some good sets by Logitech at http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010370060+50001080+1090608151&name=5.1

There the X-530s are seen for only $54.99 OEM at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121126 70watts rms like seen on the X640s used here is adequate.
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I've got the logitech z5500's, which are basically their top of the line 5.1 speakers. I like them, and for games and movies they're great. People rave about the sound of them, and they're meant to be the best computer/entertainment this money can buy, but in all honesty they're not great. The mid is pretty rough - classical music sounds poor though them - but the bass is strong (as you'd expect with a 10¨ sub). It just feels like there's too much to a gap between it and the satalites. If you're listening to audio through a 5.1 setup it's not how it was intended to be heard, but you can switch (certainly with the z5500) to stereo if you want.

On the plus side they're very listenable, it has a lovely controller with loads of inputs, the speaker cable is generous and it all looks great.

But when I compare them to my PMC 2 way speakers it's night and day. The PMC's have so much detail, a great 'easy' sound (the z5500 sounds a bit like it's trying too hard). I'd recommend getting a pair if you can find them. Here's some in the uk which won't be much use to you, but if these double in price it'll be $300. Then get yourself a nice little integrated amp and you're set. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PMC-TB1-Monit...yZ112516QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
It will sound so good, if you haven't heard good speakers before it's an ear opener...

Whatever you do don't buy a cheap pair of bookshelf speakers off bestbuy (or whatever those sites are called), they'll be awful. I spent the weekend listening to a pair of Linn bookshelf speakers my dad got cheap - they're so bad. £2000 they cost ($4000) and they're rubbish, so money don't buy you quality. I can vouch for the pmc's, try to find some

my 2 cents!
I looked at the X-530s but had been fortunate here to have simply psotted the Z-640 set due to the way speakers have to be set up here. A pair of cheapies or a 2 1/2 setup won't do the job. The image here shows how those look for the older set.

Even with the 5.1 set and the fronts and rears close to each other you can still hear the separation as well as use the balance controls. The main thing is what will work the best there and your price range being considered. For 7.1 capability newegg currently only sees one Creative set instock at the moment. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836116153
if you are looking for clean, clear, and concise sound, then you should check out some M-Audio speakers. Probably more suitable for just music

i have had for about 4 to 5 days a set of Logitech X-540 5.1 Speakers. Then only thing is you need a 5.1 Sound card or a 5.1 compatible motherboard.
But they are really good speakers!!! Mine were $85AU! work a lot more!

Good Luck
I have the X-530's. They are a helluva lot better than 2.0 sound. Don't get a pair of cheap speakers because with speakers quality makes quite a bit of difference. Just to note these came with a 2 year warrenty. Worth every penny!
Tally so far, Logitech = 6, Altec Lansing = 1, M-Audio = 1, Creative = 1, any others? :p

Without going elaborate with some sets seeing 300-400w for an output the sets by Logitech usually found under $100 generally work out for most. Just remember that the woofer will be the largest item on any 2 1/2, 4, 5.1, or 7.1 set you go with. With 70rms total that averages to about 10-12w per channel.
Tally so far, Logitech = 6, Altec Lansing = 1, M-Audio = 1, Creative = 1, any others? :p

Without going elaborate with some sets seeing 300-400w for an output the sets by Logitech usually found under $100 generally work out for most. Just remember that the woofer will be the largest item on any 2 1/2, 4, 5.1, or 7.1 set you go with. With 70rms total that averages to about 10-12w per channel.

I will probably go with one of the logitech sets.Maybe the 5.1. I am going to be building a new comp soon (havent decided whether to go with the qx9650 or the e8400 intel yet) and will get the speakers then when I order everything else from newegg.My old computer is 6 1/2 years old and has some old generic sound card that is only 2.1 I think.I dont want to put any more money in this system so close to a rebuild. Ill need to get a sound card to I guess that supports 5.1.

Thanks for everyones help

Sound cards these days like the X-Fi lineup by Creative Labs support 7.1 where you can easily change that to 5.1 in the speaker settings. For multimedia and gaming that's one of the better brands seen. You'll be seeing and "hearing" quite a bit more when in a new build.
Don't recommend getting the QX9650 because you would be better off getting the QX9770. I rather afford something cheaper down the stretch and afford a better VGA.
By that time some newer models will likely be out that you would likely be looking at as well as the current ones. Having the room to see the physical separation of speakers especially for the 5.1 and 7.1 setups is another thing to look at when selecting a set to go with. The X-530s are simply too tall for use here.
Where have you been?

Logitiech Z640s

BOSE set

Logitech X-5300s

Logitech X-540s

need more?

I looked at the reviews of the logitech 5300 set. I think that is the best compromise of quality,price and performance I am looking for.I will probably be buying those when its time to order.Now all I have to do is figure out rest of my parts for my build,heh... It sure is easy to go poor building a good gaming machine :D

Thanks again for your help
I don't think you will be disappointed there since Logitech generally sees a good line of products as well as speaker sets. They also have their own line up of keyboards and mice(cordless, trackball/ internet, multimedia keyboards etc.) to look over.

To replace an older MS Trackball Explorer corded 5 button type of stationaty mouse here,

I've been taking a good look at one of Logitech's cordless trackball models lately.

Newegg sees the best price on the THX Z-5300e set seen at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...17exta6-_-Speakers-_-Logitech+Inc.-_-36121121