What is the best keylogger?

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New Member
Can anyone tell me in their honest opinion what the best keylogger is?
A lot of keylogging sites are offering software that gathers data for them, not me. If anyone had a good experience with keyloggers, could you pass the name of the software on please?


what do you use a keylogger for?

i mean, i understand it's used for logging keystrokes

but what's a legit, non-creepy useage?


VIP Member
i think anyway it is illegal. so really cant be talked about. unless a mod says it is ok


New Member
Making sure no one else uses my computer. There might be an easier way, but, I don't like easy things. I can see how people use them for weird reasons, but not me.


New Member
Keylogging isn't neccesary illegal, In some big world corporations, they use keylooging to track information so info doesn't get out.


how about use a password to you account from start up? when your not using your computer just go to switch users and then in order to get back to your desktop you need to put in your password.

PC Hobbyist

New Member
Yeah, I'm not sure if the "keylogger" topic is allowed. Although it is not always illegal, it very often is. In any case it is an open door for a discussion that could help someone spy on someone else's computer - which is borderline - "gray area" illegal unless you're talking about some areas of law enforcement / investigation etc... So, although I'm not a mod, I'm guessing they might not be too big on keylogger threads.

Any way, a keylogger is not really meant for checking IF someone is using your computer, but rather to check HOW someone is using your computer. In your case, you should go with something like a windows password or a higher security program that will prevent access to your computer and/or your data.
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