what is the value of winzip while winrar is 100% free?


Winzip is one of the oldest and the most well-known programs, and winrar as well, but while winrar is 100% free and can do everything winzip does, what is the reason for those who spend their bucks for winzip? I do not understand...


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
winrar trial ?? not 100% free?????
I've been using it for years it doesn't look like any functions are limited..
Sorry Idon't understand. what did u mean??

After the 30 or 60 day trial,. every time you open WinRAR it pops up asking you to purchase it.


Staff member
Better question, why pay for winzip when Microsoft licensed it and integrated into the shell.


VIP Member
winrar trial ?? not 100% free?????
I've been using it for years it doesn't look like any functions are limited..
Sorry Idon't understand. what did u mean??
Did you read my previous post fully? I said if you use it past the trial period it continuously pops up with a message asking you to purchase it. Everything will still work, it just nags you to buy it.


Staff member
Paying for a file compression tool is pointless as numerous different applications on the internet will do it. 7ZIP is one of the most popular and free. Winrar is good too but if you use it frequently you'll get tired of the constant nagging to upgrade to the full version, even though it still works fine without.


VIP Member
Winrar is far less widespread and the compression algorithm used by RAR archives is proprietary, whereas the ZIP file format and compression algorithm are well-known and patent free, and have been made to work just about anywhere (any reasonable Linux distro can open ZIP files out of the box, Windows has had built-in support for ZIP files since XP). So long as you're comparing just these two programs, the fact that ZIP files are almost guaranteed to work anywhere is in most cases good enough reason to only use ZIP archives, in which cases winrar is just winzip with some unnecessary functionality piled on top.

Still, I'm pretty sure people buy winzip out of habit or ignorance. The kind of people who used winzip when there were no well-known free alternatives, and who don't care to look around; it works for them, it's convenient sticking with something they know, so they're happy. I doubt you'll find that sort on a computer forum, though.

Oh, and of course, do what everyone else here is doing. Use 7-zip. It's faster, better and also free. Join the club. We're all super cool and popular, and none of us got where we are now by using winrar.


VIP Member
Still, I'm pretty sure people buy winzip out of habit or ignorance. The kind of people who used winzip when there were no well-known free alternatives, and who don't care to look around; it works for them, it's convenient sticking with something they know, so they're happy. I doubt you'll find that sort on a computer forum, though.
[ahem] :D
Okay, okay, you've convinced this long-time (11+ years) WinZip user to try 7zip. Though, to be fair, my version of WinZip is 8.1 and cost me $0.