What Laptop to get from my list here

For those arguing about a super sturdy laptop go get a panasonic toughbook.

I am going to disagree there, The Navy use to use the tough books and what they found out is that the Dell's we use now last just as long and take the same abuse.

On the Hp thing I am with you guys, what I am wondering though is where it says what kind of member we are for that person says "Verified Hp repersenative", so does that mean our forum is allowing companies to sell products to us, especially under area's meant for discussion and recomendation. I don't agree for the fact that he is going to support his comapny no matter what.

I am going to just put it out there, Hp is garbage no matter what. Last year Engadget.com did some field research on what companies had computers go up to three years with minor to little defects that take the toll on the hardware. Hp was rated the worst showing more consumers had to replace or send in there computers in a three year span then any other company. Asus took first and Toshiba took second. I don't remember what Lenovo or Sony took but if memory serves me right (and it might not) but they did even better then Apple. That review was based on end user with little knowledge on computer (about 70% of people) and how long the reliability of there computers went for three years.
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couldn't tell you, havent seen one in years cause like I said the Navy stopped buying them cause they found the Dells to last longer and take the same beating and cost less.
It depemds. My last boat we where using Inspiron which they worked great and on this new ship I am on it is Latitude.
Why does that surprise you? I have owned a few Dells and I swear by them. The only reason why I don't own one know is I wanted to try a different brand and I have to admit this Sony is pretty nice.
Why does that surprise you? I have owned a few Dells and I swear by them. The only reason why I don't own one know is I wanted to try a different brand and I have to admit this Sony is pretty nice.

Because the toughbooks are designed specifically to be in a harsh environment and the Dell inspiron isn't.