?: What's the little blue button at the bottom of my photos?

Minning Around

New Member
Windows 7, in Pictures.
Most of my photos have a little blue box with the forward symbol in white (like the forward button on a DVD player, for instance). These little, blue boxes are located at the bottom left of my photos. They cover too much of my photos, block the view of each photo. These appeared only recently and they bug the heck out of me. Where did they come from and how do I get rid of them?

I recently downloaded a Live something or other. The problem seems to have started at that time but I'm not sure. I deleted the Live BS because I don't know what it is and I don't care - got enough BS on my computer as it is.

Enlightenment please.
I don't have Windows 7 but they are probably navigation arrows to go to the next picture. Look in the settings for Pictures to disable. Most non-MS picture viewers use Space for forward and Backspace for backwards. Perhaps you can get rid of the arrow and use whatever shortcuts there are.

If you like the Media Center stick with it. If you want something more flexible, try freeware like IrfanView.
There are blue arrows on the bottom of the picture viewer which you can use to navigate through a folder of pictures as well as a button in the middle which opens the full screen slide show. They shouldn't interfere with or overlap your pictures though.