Which AM2 CPU to get?


New Member
Well i have 314.07 left to spend on a CPU. What AM2 CPU do you recommed?

the 5000+ windsor looks really nice but its only got 2x512MB L2 cache would it be better to step down to the Opty 1214 Santa Ana cause it has 2x1MB L2, or go with a completely different CPU?
It sounds like you already have a motherboard, but if you dont, you would be much, much better off buying a Core 2 Duo. The E6600 which costs around $310, has 4MB L2 Cache and outperforms the 5000+ by a landslide.
Nah, i dont have any of the parts yet im just figuring up everything and now much money i will need.

The 5000+ isnt THAT far out preformed by the E6600 according to the tomshardware.com charts

yea it is out preformed but only by seconds or within 300 points

and i have a soft spot for AMD :p
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but Conroe overclocks better... Much better... runs cooler and is a much better processor.... FX62 is the only competition for the E6600 from AMD
Nah, i dont have any of the parts yet im just figuring up everything and now much money i will need.

The 5000+ isnt THAT far out preformed by the E6600 according to the tomshardware.com charts

yea it is out preformed but only by seconds or within 300 points

and i have a soft spot for AMD :p
As ku-sama said, they overclock much better (look at my sig).

You would be better off getting a $180 E6300 then you would the 5000+ as well.

i also refuse to conform to Conroe....how bout that >_<
Now you're just being retarded.
I too love AMD and really dislike Intel, but at the moment, intel is the clear winner with it's C2D line of cpu's. you'd be a fool, or on a very tight budget to not go with with core 2 duo if you are building a new computer.

having said that, if you still don't want to go intel, the 5000+ would probably be your choice.
Are you forgot about poster :))) Yes, I think AthlonX2 5000 would be good for that price. As for overclocking - I don't see any reason to do it on so powerful CPUs like X2 5000 or latest Core2Duo
The thing is, the X2 5000 will not overclock much at all. The E6600 will hit 3 GHz easily, totally outperforming the 5000.

Fanboyism is for the stupid. Don't be a fanboy, and get the best for your money.
I too at one time though AMD would be the over all winner but it turns out that we think that because AMD has a history of having good CPU's and we tend to only look at them for gaming and think Intel is for workstations but that only because we thought that cuz we were told that BEFORE the C2D came out. Now we AMD lover must face the fact and spot being such stubborn little but-munches and realize that when Intel says they have the worlds most efficient CPUs out that its fact, no opinion. So come my brother. Just us on the Intel Side of the CPU. Join us friend. Join us, join us, join us :eek:
i'd go with the 5000+ over the opteron, (wich was the actual question here, and he already said he doesnt want to go for a conroe ;) )
smaller cache size doesnt mean much, and iirc, the 5000+ outperformed the opteron. :)
The 5000+ isnt THAT far out preformed by the E6600 according to the tomshardware.com charts

yes it does.

define fanboy
and i have a soft spot for AMD :p

for the same amount of money you're willing to buy something that clearly performs worse.

i admit i did like my AMD systems, but i also like my core 2 duo system.
personally i worry more about the video card though, im saving for the R600. (and possibly crossfire, we'll see)
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well.. I dont really see whats wrong with it tough? I mean, he obviously looked at the charts etc,.. and made a decission. now, people can just keep saying that the C2D is better, but thats not going to help anyone tbh.
You came and asked for the best CPU to buy, and we say conroe. If you refuse to buy conroe, its your loss (of money and speed, since the conroe STUPEFIES all X2 cpu's)

he asked about WHICH AM2 cpu to buy,aka conroe isn't an AM2 cpu,just answer his question.

If you can afford the X2 5000+,then get it,wonderful cpu,sure c2d is better and cheaper but who cares,you like amd,you can have amd.The 5000+ can still have an effective overclock,you just gotta do it correctly.