which computer builder do you recommend?


New Member
I am buying an 8th gen comp with a gtx 1060
which computer builder do you recommend me to get? was looking at more affordable computer builders.

looking to buy this one from digital storm https://www.digitalstorm.com/configurator.asp?id=1756174

I am also currently looking to at this one from realm computers http://realmgamingcomputers.com/products#!/Singularity/p/67405386/category=0

which computer do you recommend I get my comp from.

price range of $1400 to $1600 also is m2 storage worth getting? Was planning on getting a regular SSD.


Active Member
One that is close to your house so that when it breaks you can go and kick their door in. You cannot do that easily with online builders.


Staff member
Have you thought about building your own? You may save some money and get the feeling you accomplished something thats really not that difficult. Getting an M2 NVME drive is a lot faster then a regular M2, like 4 times faster.


New Member
Yes I have thought about it but don't really have the time right right now to build it due to work. Never heard of the m.2 that much but will look into it. Never even had a regular ssd before so this would be a huge upgrade for me.