Who enjoys the older titles?


VIP Member
So yesterday I was going through one of my cabinets when I find Warcraft 2 battle net edition. I have not played that one in years and I know I had a older one laying around but the battle net edition that was released later on runs much smoother on my XP machine considering the fisrt one I had during Windows 98.

So I was thinking to myself with modern day graphics and more advance stories how fun could this game be still? To my surprise with it's older graphic's and short story line it is still as amazing as it was when I played it for the first time on a CTX desktop with Windows 98.
i still like playing the original shinobi from 80`s, still as good as it was then
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I love the original C&C, it is still the best in my opinion.

I also played the other day Raptor: Call of the Shadows. Now THAT was nostalgic, one of the first games I ever played right there and still as good as it was back then
I miss the older games back on the PS1 like Dino Crysis and Vigilante 8.

Also miss how GTA used to be back on the PS2, GTA 3 & Vice city.

As for Older pc titles, Age of Empires....i still have that game + the expansions somewhere.
..I thought the topic said older tities..

And that took your interest :p

I still play a lot san-andreas and the original mario and portal and of course Counter Strike 1.6 and Unreal tournament,I do not know which one but I have a demo disc of it and enjoy playing it a lot.
older games are so much better, they are so much more creative and different than the crap we get now especially command and conquer ;D
I play warcraft 2 sometimes, though lately it's been quake 2. Not sure how old that technically is, but man games were awesome back then.