why do programs/games need to install?


New Member
I know this may seem like kind of a dumb, noobish question, but why do most programs and games need to install? And why is it some dont need to install
....what program u got that doesn't need an install? Programs that dont need an install are usually small freeware progs that can run directly from the exe. All an installation is, is an easier way to put all the files on a place on your hard drive without the user manually doing it, also installing adds registry values and puts things in your system files sometimes. Most more complex programs need an installation to run correctly.
for speed reasons. if they didnt need installation, every time you ran a game, it would take a very longggg time, and you would probably decrease the life of your hdd
Usually, a big program needs its libraries (dlls) and such. A cd is a compressed version. The exe in a cd is only a decompresser which will decompress all the files into usable format onto the HDD.
k thanks guys, that answers my question.
Programs that dont need an install are usually small freeware progs that can run directly from the exe.
and yeah, i was refering to small freeware programs when i said u dont need an install for them.
anyone expierenced in programing that knows how you go about making a programing that uses install shield or some wizard to install a program?
Well one easy reason to install is to register your program to a speific filetype ... i.e. you can have your program be associatred with the say, .BLAH files.