Why would computer freeze...


Active Member
I've been using my old Athlon64 as a 'home' computer for the last year or so - just internet, word, and a bit of 5-year-old gaming.

A week or 2 ago it started grinding to a halt when under stress (ie, during a game it might pause for 30seconds, then recover). After buring myself on the GPU heat-sink, I discovered the fan had seized. Figuring this was the problem I bought a cheap-as-you-like Nvidia 210, and also took the time to add another gig of ram, format the hard drive, and install windows 7 64bit. I also found another hard-drive and chucked that in as some extra storage.

The install all went fine, but after 10-20 minutes of running the o/s the entire computer would completely freeze - completely unresponsive. Pressing the reset button wouldn't guarantee the computer booting back up, and I'd have to turn it off at the wall and wait a minute or two.

For the hell of it I unplugged the second hard drive, and it's run fine since. Why? This second drive wasn't formatted and wasn't being used by anything. Is this likely to be a power-supply issue, or the drive being completely fried? - because the drive spins up fine, and windows7 installer saw it quite happily...

Also, while I'm on the topic - I built this computer 5 years ago now, and I've forgotten all the chat about it - the m/board is a Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9, socket 939 I believe. What was the top s939 cpu supported by this board? I read the Gigabyte website blurb about it, and understood precisely none of it, which considering I build the bugger, was very encouraging. Anyways, I dunno if big speed, early dual cores existed around that time, but I'd be interested to find out...

Cheers all