Wich CPU-GPU combination is the best?

2 would be the most balanced out of the three. I don't know what the price difference is in Romania but I would strech it a bit if possible to get a 3570k and a 660ti if you wanted to OC.
Yeah 2 is the most balanced, but none of them are great. Ideally you want an i5 3570K with a GTX 670 or HD 7950 - or maybe a 660 Ti or 7870 if the other options are a bit too expensive.

I'd say 1 is better than 3 though. I wouldn't really recommending pairing a GTX 670 with an E8400 since the CPU is likely to bottleneck the 670.
I would dump the 3570k in favor of a 6300 or an 8350, and then overclock it. For the card, I'd get a 7950 (you can find newegg deals on them every so often for < 300) or a 7870 XT/Tahiti Le.
Yeah 2 is the most balanced, but none of them are great. Ideally you want an i5 3570K with a GTX 670 or HD 7950 - or maybe a 660 Ti or 7870 if the other options are a bit too expensive.

I'd say 1 is better than 3 though. I wouldn't really recommending pairing a GTX 670 with an E8400 since the CPU is likely to bottleneck the 670.

1. An i3 can play any game no problem. There are a handful, like GTA or Arma, that do thrash it, but they are few and far between.

2. 670 or 7950 are not necessary if you only game at 1080 or less, so to say ideally you want... for all you know ideally he wants to throw money away with that advice

3. We do not know what the system will be used for.

Assuming gaming, 1 is the best, though what are your other specs, uses and budget for this?
Aastii, there are plenty of games that an i3 will get hammered in. Skyrim, FSX, etc, and a 670 will get pwned even at 1080p in many games too. Not sure why you think otherwise.
670 or 7950 are not necessary if you only game at 1080 or less, so to say ideally you want... for all you know ideally he wants to throw money away with that advice

I only mentioned the 7950 because he said he was interested in it, otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up. Yeah you could pair it with an i3 and it'd be OK, but surely it would be better to pair it with an i5 than an i3? And then he goes and talks about putting a 670 with an E8400, which again would be better paired with the i5 than the Core 2 Duo.

He was asking which would be the best choice. None of them are great choices so that's why I gave him my opinion on what I would do if I wanted to use something like a 7950 or a 670 in my system. If he can't afford or doesn't need an i5 and a 7950 or 670, then he can get an i3 and pair it with a 650 Ti or a 7770 or something like that - or a 660 or a 7850 if he wants a little more oomph.

As for an AMD CPU, that's another option.
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I'd buy an i5 2500k combined with a gtx660/hd7870 or hd7950 because you can get an hd7950 pretty cheap compared to when I bought it atm...
Also, games are getting heavy and if you really want to max out games for the next 3 years, I'd take that headroom.
Crysis 3 maxed is maybe just playable with an hd7870, but what if there come even heavier games?

The i5 2500k because it costs as much or less then the 3470 and you can overclock it only a little and get more performance out it then the locked newer gen i5.
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