Win 10 x64 missing files very confused.

So I'm asking for a friend and for myself cuz i couldnt figure this out either.

So he tried moving files from one folder to another (A -> B). A but 1 file could copy and the last one of the group gave an error. He clicked cancel instead of try again. Then the B directory was gone and the files were not in A. So A is empty and B is not there.

We've done file/directory searches and files cannot be found but the directory can however it says that it's a shortcut path and that it's target is no longer there. We ran a recuva deep scan thinking they were deleted and it did not find the files or directory that was lost. And it's not in the recycle bin.

This is on a Windows 10 x64 system.


Well-Known Member
If he was moving all files in one command clicking cancel would remove the successfully copied ones from file B as well. It sounds as if the computer became confused. Here is what I believe happened:

1. When you moved the files they were removed from file A.
2. When you clicked cancel they also were removed from file B, including the successfully transferred ones.
3. The computer "forgot" to replace the moved files back in A
4.. Tada, no trace of them, whatsoever.