win98 stop logon with dialog pop-up


VIP Member
houssam_ballout said:
thanks for that, but where is ur problem?
he doesnt have a problem he is just giving some general tips / advice, you dont have to have a problem to post here. :p :p


New Member
Oh sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear how do I make it so if I press cancel a dialog pops-up and says you must have a password to enter. "winME" "regedit or suggested free program".

Just to let you know the decimal radio button in regedit always switches back to hexdecimal with DWORD, could this be a problem with windowsME.

IN LAST MESSAGE: However in schools I notice they have a dialog pop-up that disallows from even entering period.

That one website was a good start but, not secure enough.

Why not go with XP you ask, this is just for a learning experience, I have XP but also have a winME system as well which is fairly similar to 98.
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