Windows does not recognize PnP PCI soundcard

Sounds like your Diamond sound card is the culprit not your motherboard. Have you tried the diamond card in another system recently? I know you mentioned it worked with your other builds but how long ago was that?
It is a fact that some hard ware parts will not work correctly together and in your case this is what has happened with the sound card and motherboard.

IMO Asrock motherboards are not all that good in quality as I suspect this is the culprit in your case.
That's the first I've ever heard that about ASRock boards.
Recommendations I've read or been personally given say that if you on a tight budget and still want a good board, ASRock wins. Gigabyte or Asus are too rich for my blood.
You said it...Tight Budget and you only get what you pay for in the end!!!

Going by your posts your problem is with that specific motherboard only....enough said.