Windows Movie Maker on Server?


New Member
I was wondering if it's possible to put Windows movie maker onto Windows server 2003?

If so, any links / Download pages are greatly Appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


New Member
It is possible to put Windows Movie Maker 2 onto a Windows Server 2003. It doesn't mention it on, but you could buy it from Microsoft (no download available, believe me, I went 2 months searching). You could either write a software patch to allow multiple accesses to the software, but generally, you should be able to download one from Software Patch. I haven't tried this myself, I just found it easier to buy a copy with 5 licences (allowed to install on 5 pc's).


New Member
I Already worked it out.

:: Name the source (XP) system - put your XP machine name here
set Src=XP

:: Copy the program files needed
xcopy "\\%Src%\C$\Program Files\Movie Maker\*.*" "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\*.*" /S /E

:: Copy the start menu shortcut
copy "\\%Src%\C$\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Windows Movie Maker.lnk" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories"

:: Register the program DLLs
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmm2ae.dll"
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmm2ext.dll"
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmm2filt.dll"
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmm2fxa.dll"
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmm2fxb.dll"
regsvr32.exe "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\wmmfilt.dll"