Windows revert to Primary monitor on wake up from sleep.


New Member
My PC has an ASUS H81M-plus motherboard. I was running two monitors on extended desktop through the built in Intel graphics via HDMI and display port OK until last week, when the HDMI output failed. I got myself a cheap PCIe x16 graphics card - a GeForce GT 520 (although it shows up as a GT 705 in device manager). The two monitors were detected OK and have same settings (refresh rate etc) but now the windows on the secondary monitor (display port) revert to the primary (HDMI) when I re-activate the monitors after they have gone to sleep (PC remains active). I have updated the Graphics card drivers and Windows says everything is up to date with my monitors (both LG W2442). Anybody any idea how to fix this?
Have you made sure that the correct monitors are detected as display 1 and display 2? You can change that in settings. I would also be concerned with it not showing the correct card in device manager. Where did you get the card from?
They are both detected as W2442's. Monitor 1 is identified on the HDMI output and 2 on the display port. I got the card on ebay. Seller had a 99% rating. The drivers updated without problem.
Did you contact the seller and ask about why it was detecting not what its supposed to be? I've never seen this type of issue before with video cards and I've been working on computers for almost 30 years.
I looked it up on the web and quite a few people have the same problem for various reasons, but nobody had a definitive solution.
I have just done a bit of digging and based on various photos, my card does seem to be a GT 705. I only need it for Windows, so not too bothered about the model number, as long as it is equivalent to the built-in Intel graphics. I will contact the seller though and enquire why he listed it wrong. Oh and I made a mistake about the output to the second monitor. It is DVI not displayport.
I read on the net, that someone else had this problem and found multiple "ghost" monitors in his configuration. After deleting these, the problem went away. I checked in device manager and I had 5 extra entries for monitors, which were greyed out. I deleted these and rebooted, but it has not cured the problem for me.
Having failed to find a solution, I thought I would try another connector, so I got hold of an old D-sub cable and plugged that in to the monitor that was HDMI fed. Lo and behold, the windows stay where they are put when the screen comes out of sleep. So if anyone can explain that, and why it happens on a GeForce graphics card , but not my built-in intel graphics, I will be grateful. I would rather put up with the lower quality D-sub feed than have to fiddle with windows.