windows vista


New Member
Anyone have a MSDN subscription and try beta 2 yet? how is it? I'm subscribed as a vista beta tester but its not released to us yet..

Yea, I have it and I really like it as well. It can be a little tricky to configure on certain hardware configurations though.
AMD gs player said:
doesnt it have halo 2 integrated in it or is tha just the first game to be released of vista
Thats just a title thats going to be available for Vista.
I don't know, it is gonna be vista only because it's supposed to be utilized for DX 10.
I have tried it (Vista) and I liked it at first.

It looks like Vista is going to be Microsoft's best OS to date. Shame though, it would be even better if it was open source. :D

And for you people that hate Linux, Microsoft have clearly copied the root user idea. Right click on a program > Run as Admin. They are getting there, this will stop viruses and malicous software but a malicous kid can still do anything.

And correct my if I'm wrong but I remember a lock screen function. Yet again: used by Linux BEFORE Windows. Maybe MS are seeing how good Linux really is.

Not true. A lot of people like me, don't really want linux on the desktop. Sure, some do, but that's a small portion. A lot of people like the Windows way, just one feature, which is in more than just linux, was used. It's far from being like linux, and it will probably stay that way. Lock screen was from way back in Windows NT, again, also in other systems. Mac OS X is an entire copy, how come no one ever attacks this. And I don't care who copies who, if Microsoft copies, but overall comes out with a product I want more, I'll use that. That's all that matters.
Cromewell said:
Because it has a small user base compared to windows.
And? That's relevant to it how. If you're going to attack a coppier, attack one who takes an entire OS, rebrands it, and sells it calling it superior to it's piers. (which, of course, it's not).
Parky_007 said:
Mac OSX is a entire copy of what exactly? Linux?
(Sorry for the ignorance, I just don't know).
Yea, the kernel is basically Unix and FreeBSD put together and called Darwin.

Now for a small rant about Apple.
Then they lock it in to specific apple hardware. On top of this "Darwin", they add some other technologies that just take even more resources, such as the unneccisarily heavy GUI, and some other software, a few very buggy, such as Safari, rename it as OS X and sell it for $129 as the world's most advanced operating system. Very little of it is truely Apple written code, that's why many computer veterans call OS 9 the death of the Macintosh. Every little feature of it comes from something else, such as the GUI based off of adobe's PDF format. Dashboard being a copy of confabulator. MSN and Google had desktop search before Apple had Spotlight. Hell, the hypocracy. They used to rely on Internet Explorer, and now that they have Safari, a browser which isn't that good to begin with, they down IE. They rely on Microsoft to make them an Office Suite. They openly say this in a PC bashing ad. Some mac users even say Office is better on the mac, which is complete bull, as first, it's not universal yet, second, the full office has some 20 apps, 4 of them are available on the mac platform. Third, so many of the features are cut from the mac version of the app which are included in the Windows versions. Ah, Apple and it's fanboys annoy me so much.
I see, very good points.

I'm not going to have a rant, but I hate Good Old Windows-Lover Boys (Sorry for the PUN, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boys is a song by Queen).
I hate it when people say "Windows is far better", "That is crap, Windows isn't" and all that when they have never tried/heard of an alternative.

Although on the other hand there are the Anti-MS people (which I'm not) which just hate anything to do with MS. I think MS are very good, and have done well. So they will stick up for apple just because its not Windows.

I do like Apple (I have used it before) but mainly for the reason that Linux is its cousin, both being under the UNIX family.
