windows wont boot with secondary


New Member
hello guys. I really need help! I came home and turned on my pc and it wouldn't boot! for some reason i had a feeling that it had to do with my G (secondary HD) so i pulled it out and windows booted right away!! so i shut it down and put the HD back in and it wouldn't boot!
This HD is only used for music, movies, and pictures.

Can someone help me? There is a lot of info that i need on a daily basis on this HD!!
Go to your bios and set the first harddisk boot device to harddisk which contain your os.
Can you explain better? I have never gone into the BIOS. To get into the bios, i push F2 when it says at the bottom of the screen, right?

I went into the bios with my secondary hd connected and everything looks fine. Should my second HD be on the slave? It shows that its in Sata 2. It shows that their is no Slave. It just wont boot with the HD connected. Either way, my 300gb is the master.
Any idea's guys?
Could my HD be a done for? I sure hope not. I have Really important info on it.
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Harddsik only show slave when you use ide interface and change jumper to slave. Nevermind that.

I don't know what mobo you use so i cannot explain very well. Go to bios, search for boot device option. There you maybe see a harddisk boot priorty device or something like that. Change the first priorty to your secondary harddisk. Save and exit.
The problem is your bios seek os in your other hard drive. That why it won't load os because it cannot find any os in it.
You have done what i said before?
I am sorry but it is hard to understand you. With me being a n00b and it being hard for me to understand you makes it double hard on me. My operating system is on the 300gig HD and not on the 80gb HD. I only use the 80gb for pics and music and movies. The 300gb is set as the primary so i don't see why the computer would look for the OS on the 80gb HD.
Your system can boot from primary or secondary drives the problem lies in the boot order. Is the motherboard the P5N SLI in your signature?

edit: assuming it is.

In the BIOS look at the menus at the top. Key over to the menu called "Boot" and select "Boot Device Priority." Select Hard Disk for priority 1 (you may want a CD/DVD drive first, you can put one in now or later if you need it). When you select hard drive it should let you pick which drive you want to put there.
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Hmmm...I just tried that and i dont have the option to select which HD. As of now it says 1. CD-ROM 2. HDD 3-4- Disabled.
The weird thing is that, i just came home from the store and it wouldn't boot up! It just happened out of nowhere and i was on it hours before that before i went to the store.
The manual isn't real clear about how you pick which hard drive, leave the cursor over the HDD option and see what the help on the right side tells you. If that doesn't help try pressing enter and leaving the cursor over HDD and reading the help again.