Wireless Router.. am I safe?


New Member

So I'm looking at my wireless router settings, and under security it says "encryption type - WEP" and has a key. I remember setting this. However, it also says "no authentication (open)". This kinda threw me a little. Does this mean it's not password protected and anyone can join?

Also, where do I check how many people are connected? Yah, I'm kinda paranoid.

Any help would be appreciated.



formerly liuliuboy
I'm not sure about that but WEP is a rather week encryption. Try using WPA/WPA2, I think those are a bit stronger.


New Member
I'm not sure about that but WEP is a rather week encryption. Try using WPA/WPA2, I think those are a bit stronger.

Completely agree here, Plus you can check who is connected to you. http://www.wikihow.com/Tell-If-an-Outside-User-Is-on-Your-Wireless-Network, maybe this will help,

also if you go to (if on vista) Start network, you will see who is also connected at that time to the wireless router, this usually shows only your computer, if it shows more than one and you have only one computer connected, then someone elese has connected to your wireless router.

Hope this helps


New Member

Literally, you can find out how crack a wep encryption on youtube, many of the videos done by kids. DON'T USE WEP!

If you're really really really paranoid . . . that sucks! The reality is that electronics in general have innate weaknesses, that is what hackers do is exploit those weaknesses. It's why Windows is always coming out with security patches and why the volume of viruses and malware continues to grow.

In reality wireless has issues, but so would landlines. If you want to secure your wireless network then, wpa2 is the most secure for residential use. To crack a wpa2 you would need to have quite a bit of skill and literally a few hundred dollars worth of software to do.

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