Wireless Router Help


Hey everyone!

I have a need for a new router. Current one I have just went out but it wasnt doing the job anyway.

Looking to spend 200 or less.

Here is what I have going on:

1 computer hard wired. (gaming computer)
1 old computer hard wired.
3 laptops (wireless)
6 Smart Devices (wireless)

not all these are on at the same time, but several of the devices could be online together.

Any suggestions on a good router that can keep up with what we have going on?

Thanks EXO


I am currently using a ASUS RT-N16 which is pretty good. The stock firmware was crap so I flashed it with DD-WRT and have been happy with it ever since.

I never need to reboot it, just keeps going. Actually the only time it ever receives a reboot is when we get a power failure, which is a big improvement on the old D-Link I used to use.