WNR3500Lv2 - I think I broke my router

Hi Everyone,

I don't know where to start. I have to say I have absolutely no clue what I am getting myself into when I flashed it with a firmware I have no information about. So recently I've decided to buy a router (wnr3500lv2) to flash it to dd-wrt and have it with a VPN setup. As I downloaded the files for dd-wrt, I saw something on the list labeled as toastman's tomato VPN (http://www.myopenrouter.com/download/toastmans-tomato-firmware-wnr3500lv2-vpn). I was oh vpn cool, let me flash this. then as I was trying to set up the VPN still having no clue whats going on, I tried saving the settings and it say invalid ip address. Then stupidly I decided hey let me hit the reset button and maybe that will fix it all. Nope, that didn't work and now I can't even get access to the router. I even tried doing the 30/30/30 and no luck.

Is there a way to resolve this or I have to buy myself a new router? Any information is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Staff member
Do you not get any sort of DHCP or similar out of the router? Does it respond on the previous TFTP address such as in the flashing instructions?

You might be able to do a JTAG recovery which is a PITA, but it'd be more effort-effective to pick up a new device at that point.
Thank you for your response. Sound a bit complicated as I don't know the terms JTAG and PITA. I think I will go ahead and label it as a dead device.


Staff member
There's a way to flash via an interface called JTAG which is a serial interface, although you usually need some soldering experience and it can be a "pain in the ass" ;)

What kind of a router would you be looking at for a replacement?