

New Member
does somebody knows some websaits where you can work at home like construing models and stuff putting papers stuff like that


Staff member
does somebody knows some websaits where you can work at home like construing models and stuff putting papers stuff like that
I dont know of anything in particular because if you stop and think about it, other than freelancing (check local newspapers, managzines, schools and stuff) most animation, design etc jobs require you to show up (unless you've got a crapload of seniority at which point you wouldnt be asking) etc :)

There are probably *websaits* where you can work at home teaching spelling and grammar
There are cases where its ok to call people out for spelling and grammar and then there are cases where its pointless (and I use the word pointless because im nice)


New Member
I would love to have a job where I could work at home! There are quite a few jobs like that such as doing internet based research. I've done it myself in the past and it's great because you can eat, piss, fart, burp and pick your nose when you want to without having some condescending skirt sneering at you.

If anyone knows any websites then I also would like to know!