Worm troubles


Active Member
I downloaded A worm just a hour ago maybe I ran I virus scan after downloading it (with AVG) it came up I couldn't heal it because "It was being used by another program" (it was a dll) is I force deleted it and rebooted and now I boot normally until I get to my desktop. Then I get a black screen except for my mouse. I can crtl+alt+delete though. I can boot in safemode fine.

Really need help asap because I have two projects due tomorrow for school

can you re-install the OS? that seems the only thing that you can do... or try to restore...even if you do have the worm, at least for now, you can do your stuff and then fix the problem.

Another thing you can do is run in safe mode w/networking if you need to go online for your projects.
after leaving my computer on in its black thing for A while, my desktop appeared which is good, I'm posting from it right now however I get a spam of errors

pic on the right is post debugging
just close the program.

Can you do what you need to do like that or do the errors keep coming up? and can you do a restore to before the worm was on? maybe, just maybe, it will take care of the problem, but i wont gauruntee it.

Oh, can you re-install the OS?
have you tried to do a restore to earlier point? I am not sure if it will fix it, but it could help.