WRK54G as AP?


New Member
I have an issue - I have a wireless router which is located in my basement. I have a WRK54G that isn't being used. I need a wired connection to hook up an IP phone in my office.

Can I use my WRK54G to hardwire my IP phone? Can it be used to connect to my other wireless router so I can hardwire my phone into it, which will then connect to my laptop?

Cable Modem --> Wireless Router | ))) ((( | WRK54G --> Phone --> Laptop

I need the wireless router to connect to the wrk54g - or do I need to go buy a WAP54G to make this work?
Just found another WRK54G - if the above doesnt work. Can I set it up like this?

Cable Modem --> Wireless Router --> WRK54G | ))) ((( | WRK54G --> Phone --> Laptop

Can the 2 WRKs be configured to talk to each other wirelessly?
Just found another WRK54G - if the above doesnt work. Can I set it up like this?

Cable Modem --> Wireless Router --> WRK54G | ))) ((( | WRK54G --> Phone --> Laptop

Can the 2 WRKs be configured to talk to each other wirelessly?

If they can, you would need to install different firmware on them.

If you can, it will be here.
WRK54G is a linksys wireless router? It should work.. my IP phone works in my office and at home, I think the router has to support VoIP
This router is not supported by dd-wrt

And yes, it is a wireless router, I was surprised as well, I was expecting it to be WRT not WRK
This router is not supported by dd-wrt

And yes, it is a wireless router, I was surprised as well, I was expecting it to be WRT not WRK