x2 565 to x4 OC


New Member
So i just unlocked my x2 and i want to push it up just wondering if there is a danger in upping the voltage and if so what is a safe voltage


New Member
I have never owned a 565 and am not 100% sure, but I would not let your temps exceed 65c. Remember, AMDs are known to give wonky temp readouts. Check BIOS readings rather than software figures. There is no danger as long as you keep it at the right temp and don't exceed 1.5v i would think. Actually not sure on this one, great topic and post, thanks


New Member
ok so now i tired to run the windows system rating and it froze half way through ... on stock other then unlocked cores should i up the voltage to regain stability?


New Member
I'm sorry but i am unable to help here. The only windows I know is for the average user covered in the A+ exams, as overclocking and core unlocking is not covered. I wish I could help, I will keep posted on this topic.


New Member
whatever changes you made before just try backing them down a bit, suck as your multiplier if you overclocked


New Member
Hmmm i would suspect something else interfering because I have heard of AMD dual-cores unlocked to quad while giving consistent bench readings and not giving any problem what so ever. Maybe with the unlocking of cores it requires a bit of a boost of voltage to the cpu. Core unlocking is never a guaranteed thing. Some dual-cores are quad-cores downgraded to fill a certain quota. It is also possible that using a x32 OS (32-bit) could have caused the problem


New Member
i am using 64 bit i will go into the bios one more time and up the voltage and see what happens back in a bit


Unlocking instability could be a voltage problem. Do not exceed 65* or 1.5v (1500mV) whichever comes first.

It could also be a bad core in the 2 unlocked. See if you can run a per core stability test (im almost sure they exist), and see which core is giving you trouble. I would venture to guess core 4 if any of them.


New Member
my bios only allows me to do four or two so if the problem lies in the forth core it doesn't matter i will need to leave it in 2 core anyways sucks tho i was really looking forward to having a quad core :(


ah, ok. Well you might try overclocking if you upgrade the cooler, which would make up some of the difference in performance from the dual to the quad.


New Member
Don't give up unless you feel you will damage hardware. there has to be a reasonable explanation. Is your BIOS up to date?