X850XT or X1300PRO

Latencies are very important when it comes to gaming as well.

You're not going to notice a difference if you have an identical system, with one being CL2 and the other being CL3. The CL2 will perform better, however as I said, it's not going to be noticable in gaming.
Well not when the timings are close, I was really just wondering, and all I was wondering is if he had cheapo value ram which he doesn't. So...
Oh thats pretty good, just kind of wondering, ya but don't listen to anybody saying the x1300 is better, they're just dumb. The x850xt is an excellent card that you will be very happy with.

yea I just thought maybe all the cards were on a performance scale where the next one is the next best one. Thanks for the advice guys.
9800 Pro

So how much should I sell my ATI 9800 pro 256mb ddr v-ram for?
I was thinking half what it would be on newegg, which for a 128mb version is $85... so maybe $10 more for another 128 to bring it to $95... then half that... so about $48?
So how much should I sell my ATI 9800 pro 256mb ddr v-ram for?
I was thinking half what it would be on newegg, which for a 128mb version is $85... so maybe $10 more for another 128 to bring it to $95... then half that... so about $48?
Ya you could try, if someone will pay for it then get as much out of them as you can.
I have the xt in oen of my computers, its a tank, It does all I would ever want it to in HL2

Yea, thats awsome, strangley my 2500+ and my 9800 pro seem to also do the job. The only time it lags are in big gunfights'n'stuff. I'm really looking forward to Testdrive: Unlimited on PC. It's gonna kick ass.