Xbox/Cd Burning

Adam Warren

New Member
Im sure you all know that burnt music cd's dont work on xbox... But does anyone know what format you need to burn for it to work?
It works with the older versions of the xbox, but for yours I think it would be like a normal cd player, cd-rws dont work but cd-rs do. Eh worth a try.

EDIT: And faaj, try and help next time.
Adam Warren said:
Im sure you all know that burnt music cd's dont work on xbox... But does anyone know what format you need to burn for it to work?
really? im sure i had a backup cd working on an xbox, it was a while ago so i may of been mistaken, but im 99% sure i did.

Faaj: that was a pointless post, just to get your post count up i take it
I have used cd-r, it sais it wont read it, and i have tried different kinds of cd's to. I have 100's of dvd-r's here and will burn on them if it means i can use my xbox as a cd player, lol.
well what kind of burner do u have in the first place. Is it Nero. If so here's Nero instruction. "Click on Favorites, and then copy Disc"
if will read cd rs if your xbox has a SAMSUNG DVD ROM, if not a PHILLIPS OR A TOMPSON maybe able to read it you'll need to find out. sometime you need to burn at 4x or lower to be able to read it in the xbox.