Xbox RRoD.


Has anyone had this happen before? Get their 360 stuff up due to RRoD, send it away, get it fixed, only to unpack it and set it up just to have it RRoD again? It just happened to me... What should I do?
Has anyone had this happen before? Get their 360 stuff up due to RRoD, send it away, get it fixed, only to unpack it and set it up just to have it RRoD again? It just happened to me... What should I do?

Send it back again. They don't actually fix each one at a time, they just send you a refurbished one.

Something similar happened to me I sent mine in, got another back. And it had a problem where it would freeze randomly on certain games.
God that's annoying. You send it away, lose it for a good 2 weeks, only to get it back and have it not work again. Is it unsual not to recieve any documentation about what the problem was, or what was done?
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Yeah, I'd say you only option is to send it back maybe sneak a nasy note in there ;)

You could try calling tech support but I can't think of anything the could really do for you (other than exchange it again). Maybe speed up the exchange time cause they messed up. You could try asking for that.
Yeah, I'd say you only option is to send it back maybe sneak a nasy note in there ;)

You could try calling tech support but I can't think of anything the could really do for you (other than exchange it again). Maybe speed up the exchange time cause they messed up. You could try asking for that.

Yeah I'm thinking of calling. The only problem is, I can't register it again online, because it's still coming up with the status as it has been repaired and is being shipped to me. -.- Stupid Microsoft.
It's probably a heat issue, it may be self-fixable if you apply some better thermal paste, I didn't get an RROD, but I had to open my box, so I ended up reapplying better paste, and it was a lot cooler, so.
It's probably a heat issue, it may be self-fixable if you apply some better thermal paste, I didn't get an RROD, but I had to open my box, so I ended up reapplying better paste, and it was a lot cooler, so.

Is there anyway to fix it without opening the box? I don't really want to. They didn't tell me what was wrong, nor what was fixed, so i don't know what it is.
I would mention 'the towel truck', but I haven't done it personally and wouldn't want to recommend something I haven't done. If you're familiar with computer modding and stuff, the Xbox should come as a second nature. I have some pictures of what I did with it, if you're interested, it's not that hard actually.
Wait dont send it bak just yet turn it on and off and unplug from mains then turn back on the same thing happend to my mate..
Yes if you open the casing on the box it will void the warranty. They don't send out any documentation on what the problem was when they fix it, they just send another one back with a free one month XBox live subscription.
See the problem with mine is, that unlike the RRoD's you see on fix it vids and what not, is mine Red Rings as soon as I hit the power button, there is no delay or anything. It is literally instant, nothing boots up, nothing turns on, so it doesn't produce heat. I'm gonna call Microsoft now and see what happens.

UPDATE: Apparently it is my ac adaptor that is playing up, so I have to send my 360 in again with my adaptor.
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