Xbox vs PC


I've played games on my PC for Years so can anyone tell me the advantage of the Xbox because I don't know anything about it?
Depends if you know anyone else that has one, or want to play exclusives. The only game to date that's cross-play with PC is Rocket League

Some of the communities stay alive longer on the XB1 such as CoD games and others like Titanfall. Also, you can buy preowned games and trade other physical copies where you can't really with a PC. Conversely you're stuck using a controller for everything, depending on the type of game this can be a benefit or a hindrance.

What kind of games do you play and what did you have in mind?
Unless there's a compelling factor to pick up a console such as multiplayer with friends or exclusives, I'd say you aren't missing anything and/or it'd be a waste of money in your case.

This is coming from a guy who has all of the consoles and a reasonable PC :p
It's all about the social aspect. If your friends have an Xbox, that's a reason for you to get one. I have both an Xbox One and PC and I was big into PC gaming, then stopped and played only consoles for a year or so, but now switched back to PC again.