xbox wireless adapter

Is it legal to steal food out of their fridge?

It is illegal to steal internet off of another persons router unless you get their permission.

Just get your own router, you can find one for 20 bucks easy.
Umm...I don't have any internet, so that's why I want an adapter to get it off of somebody elses router

And its not accurate to compare food to the internet. Internet is unlimited, food is not. Plus how can they find out? I have taken internet from other people and they never even notice.
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You got a problem then, either you get internet and a router or you get their permission. But I highly doubt that it will work 2-3 houses away. And his connection could be encripted.
Well the adapter reaches over 1000 feet so, I guess it would work over 2-3 houses away.
And if they didn't want anybody else to use their internet they would encrypt it. But they haven't.
Plus am I literally coming into their house and taking something? No. They are basically giving me the internet by not securing the router. And I'm sure I'm not the only one "stealing" it from them. I turn on my laptop and look, I have a connection.

And my uncle, who is a lawyer and knows just about everything about computer networking, says it may be "stealing" to SOME people, but its not "illegal". Everybody knows the risks of wireless internet. Anybody can take it. If you dont encrypt it, its your problem. If you dont secure it, you are basically saying "im sharing my internet with anybody who picks it up."
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If you take something (the wireless internet) without their permission, its stealing, no matter how your "uncle" sugar coats it.