
New Member
Okay, I'm learning XML. I know advanced HTML, and I know that XHTML is basically a stricter version of HTML 4, implemented to ensure that HTML is used better. I have an XML document with an internal DTD. I have validated it with xmllint and it's fine. My question is: What the hell am I supposed to with now? How do I get a proper webpage out of it? Thanks.


Staff member
That's the thing with XML, I wouldn't use it to make a webpage. If you want to turn it into a nicely rendered webpage you need to use CSS/XSL


New Member
Thanks. This is for uni, and the resources aren't out yet, so I'm getting a headstart. I've made the XML document and I know CSS and HTML. What do I do with the XML document? What's it's purpose/how do i integrate it into the design?


Staff member
XML is just to hold data, it's like a flat file database. Some programs use XML as a saving format (ie OpenOffice). It's useless on it's own, you need something to parse it and turn the data into something useful.


New Member
Okay, I've got a .dtd file which defines my XML language. I also have a CSS file which describes how it's supposed to be output. I've included Some XML data in an html file. How do I link all the bits together so that the browser will display it properly. I've got some examples but they don't make much sense. How do I tell my html file and my CSS file about the specifications I set out in the dtd file?


Staff member
Can I see what you have? If you've done it right, opening the xml in a web broswer should render it how you specified not in the normal handle/tree way.


Staff member
Sorry, I kind of forgot about this, I've been a little busy the last few days.

I'm not sure what they would be pointing at but I was never real big on the whole XML thing. I've used it a bit but not for making a webpage like I think you are trying to do